US Based Startup ‘Fetch Robotics’ Has Created Robots That Actually Work Like Humans
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Fetch has created both a picking robot and a freight one. While the “Fetch” can grab items off shelves, a warehouse doesn’t need to go all-in on robots to take advantage of their efficiency. The new “Freight” robot acts more like a trained dog, steadfastly sticking to either a human or another robot’s side. A worker (or the Fetch itself) pulls an item off a shelf and adds it to the Freight’s bin. Once it’s full, it returns to the shipping area, and a new robot is automatically dispatched.
The future of distribution will likely feature humans collaborating with robots at all points in the process, and Fetch Robotics gets it. The company makes collaborative autonomous mobile robots, or AMRs, to handle materials and collect data in warehouses, distribution centers, and factories. Fetch says AMRs are more advanced than traditional warehouse vehicles thanks to a glut of sensors and a powerful onboard computer that lets it navigate spaces dynamically, rather than on a fixed route. The startup goal is to integrate the robots to create a frictionless environment for the humans that work alongside them.
This is the first kind of robotics startup that makes robotics work and place things like humans. It will be interesting to see how close humans can reach perfection in the coming years.
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